

hey everyone ,
i know i am here after a very long time . But today i am writing this blog as i really need to type down my feelings so that i feel a lil better as you must have seen my last post was about how to live happily after a break up . Yes those things help but upto some extend . Only one thing on this earth can help you to make yourself feel better and that’s you . I know this because i am dealing with it . I have everything . Good company , good life , good friends , good family still a part of me is incomplete . Maybe its because i dont wanna stay happy . i don wanna be happy . i love the way i stay and this is how i feel comfortable now . Alone and living a small simple bug free life . I am not doing good with myself . i shop a lot . initially i thought that i was pampering myself and taking care of myself . But no it was just a refuge . A refuge for me to not to think about all those things that gave me pain and sorrow and made me feel more worse about myself . i know this is my life and i have to live this way only . But i hope that one day i get the courage to stop thinking about all this and have a great happy tension free life ahead and i can complete all the wishes that i have in my heart . I know i can do this ย .
If you are reading this you must have realized by now that what a fickle type of girl is she . She started with she can’t cope up but ended up with that yes i can do it . It is so . I just need to write it down to get myself back on track . to make myself realize the fact that i am all good for myself . I am a strong , Independent girl and i’ll stay the same forever ย ๐Ÿ˜€

Post Break up …..!!!!!


hello everyone ,
this is something that i really wanna share with all of you !! . What happen’s to our life’s once we have suffered a break up ???? Do we get tarnished or we grow into more strong , stable and mature person . Mostly people say that these days these Break ups are tough but i certainly feel that’s its just so not true . Break ups are something that help us to grow and evolve and learn a lot of stuff . i Know relationships are good . But if a relationship is at the verge of breaking up then how can it be good???? i am not saying that things can’t be sorted . but even if after giving several attempt to it it doesn’t works out then .ย In my opinion its just a waste of time and i prefer that we should move on from it and start living our life . After a Broken relationship a real life starts . We get alone and that’s what makes us independent . As a human nature we don’t do stuff till its over our head and that same rule applies here too . Once we are alone we have to tackle the world and people and situations on our own . We have to take our decision and make our life a place worth living and enjoying . Realtionships are good But breaks ups are not that bad . So people’s who are sad or depressed after their break ups . Please don’t be !! This is the time when you can love yourself and treat yourself and do whatever you want . And after all we have our friends on our side too. Life is way more beautiful and adventurous once we come out of the love shell in which we get stuck once we are in a relationship . So , its my message to all the people who have broken hearts . don’t be broken . Its a huge world ahead and you are the lucky once who have got the chance to re-live the world with your own rule’s and rule the world all alone .


1. Try to get indulged in some newย Activities :-

Yes , Keeping your head away from all the break stuff is the first and must thing to do . Go for new Activitues that you haven’t try and prove yourself that yes you still have the talent ๐Ÿ˜€ . Persue your hobbies if you have any.

2. Go on a trip :-

Go out and enjoy the beauty of nature . Its a huge world ahead . Explore the world and for sure you will Explore the new and real you . And you can get to see more new cute and sweet faces ๐Ÿ˜€

3. Party Like Hell :-

Go Crazy and Party as if its your last day on earth . Get your friends and enjoy with them to the fullest .

4. Start taking care of yourself :-

Most important thing for yourself is you now . take care of yourself . Your body , Your life Your carrier etc . Treat yourself , shop for yourself with the money that you used to spend on your bf/gf . Trust me for a while you will feel that the Braek up is worth it ๐Ÿ˜›

5 . Love your family :-

Try to spend more time with your family . Family is the best thing that you can ever have and the only thing that will stay your side always . Give them the same love or more love that you used to give to that stranger who just left you . traust me the feeling would be dam goooooooooood..!!


Please give me your Feedbacks in the comments below if you like the article and it helps you in some way or the other …!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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My First Post….!!!


hello everyone ,

i really don’t know what i am doing but i think this is gonna be great …!!! . Hi i am the MINI . I am starting up this is blog as a way so that i can communicate with a lot of people as these days e-communication is the best way to communicate or i should say the only way to communicate . ย i am here to share my world with you all and to hear about your world and get to know many different things . Also its a way in which you can evolve yourself in a way which is far better than what we are now . these days we do a lot of google and wikipedia and a lot of articles that come up on our facebook feeds and after reading it for two minutes we feel like yes that is what it is . these things for a while really inspire us all a lot but i really wanna know that do really people get inspired by these and take up the thing that are actually mentioned or sggested their . like for example a post saying “15 Things you Should do to get slim” . ย and i am sure many people would read it .but i wanna know that how many of you actually implement it in your daily life . Comment Below and tell me how many of you actually implement what you really think you want to do or Its just for timepass purpose that you read all those links???